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Dixons Sixth Form Academy

Support for students and parents

This section of our website aims to provide a range of resources for students and families to support their child at home. If you have concerns please also contact the academy and speak to your son/daughter's Progress Tutor or a member of Safeguarding Team.

Students should remember if they have any concerns they can speak to a member of staff in school to report any worries or concerns or email

Remember Be Safe Tell Someone!

Support for Learning - Bradford's Local Offer

Here you will find a range of services and advice for young people

Online Internet Safety
If you need to report online abuse you can report this direct to CEOP. If you have been subjected to online abuse you can speak to a member of staff in school. Remember Be Safe Tell Someone

Information from for parents to support parents keeping their child safe online

Information regarding keeping children safe online from the NSPCC.
Advice from the National Crime Agency on keeping safe online.
Parent Info from CEOP and Parent Zone provides a useful resources for parents to better understand how to keep their child safe online

Online safety is one of the main areas of concern for parents. In the section below you will also find handy tips for keeping your child safe with age appropriate advice and guidance. If you have any concerns regarding online safety and how to keep your child safe please contact the academy and ask to speak to a member of the pastoral team.

Drug and alcohol abuse
FRANK is an online services which provides information on support services for anyone at risk of using drugs
Emotional and Mental Wellbeing

Kooth, from XenZone, is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use.
Childline provides an online and over the phone 24/7 service to support young people with any worries they may have.